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Writing about Mental Health

Writing a story or poem also gives you a voice. It makes you a creator, and it gives you full power to do as you please.

5 Tips To Writing Effective Haiku

A haiku is a japanese form of poetry often commenting on or describing nature. Traditionally, they are three lines and follow a 5-7-5...

The Power Of Synonyms

Do you ever find yourself writing the same words over and over again? Lack of variety makes poems dull and uninviting. Here come synonyms!

The Paradelle: A Beginner's Guide

What is the Paradelle? The Paradelle is a very odd and yet touching form of poetry which employs repetition and strict formatting rules...

Haiku: A Beginner's Guide

The haiku is a form of traditional Japanese poetry. It is perhaps one of the most rewarding styles of poetry to write because it is short...

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